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EOS 5D Mark III Sunday News Round-up

Time to report some 5D Mark III news. Let's start with a problem some users have with Canon's DPP software. People reports that DPP is generating extremely soft jpgs from…

5D Mark III hands-on reviews round-up

And the focus goes back to the . Let us start with two comparisons between the 5D3 and Nikon's D800. Comparisons based on specification sheets, to be more exactly. The…

Rumor: New Canon EOS C300 for NAB?

German site (Google translation) reports a rumor about Canon announce a new, and cheaper, model of the EOS C300 at NAB 2012. Cheaper because it would not have interchangeable optics. This…

Another #EOS5DMarkIII hands-on review

By the guys at Rather complete and worth to be read imho. They conclude While the Canon EOS 5D Mark III may not have quite the wow factor that some…

A 5DMk3 wish list (not by me)

This is one of the best post about the upcoming 5DMk3 I have ever read. It has been written by Tony Hart and, let me say it, it catches the points…

5D MkIII/X Rumors Round-Up

Sorry for the long break. First, the most murmured announcement date for the next 5D: February, 28th. That would mean the new 5D will go to sale late March-April. Exciting!…

Three lenses, and a funny coincidence

Ok, let's start with the coincidence. On February 7th Canon announced three new lenses, two primes and a standard zoom lens: 28mm f/2.8 IS USM, 24mm f/2.8 IS USM and…

Bestsellers in Digital SLR Cameras

Here some ranking list of Digital SLR Cameras. The Amazon's lists are updated hourly and the Japanese ranking refers to the month of June. Amazon US Ranking 1. Canon EOS…

Canon 5D MII or i-Phone as prime camera?

The best is the the one you have. While some rumors talk about a mysterious Canon 3D, I was attracted by an article of Amateurphotographer. It is reported that, in…

iPhone becomes a DSRL

Photojojo released an SRL Mount for iPhone which gives you the possibility to use your Canon EOS or Nikon SRL lenses on your iPhone. What to say? It is an…


The new, increasing interest on the mirrorless shows a market tendency. The most successful proposals are: Olympus with PEN E-PL2 and PEN E-PL1, Panasonic with LUMIX GF2, Sony NEX-5. They…

Canon & mirrorless

Canon could realize a mirrorless camera, said Masaya Maeda, a senior company executive, in an interview with Reuters. Canon has restored the production and overcome the problems of the earthquake…

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