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Interesting new rumor reported by [NL]. The 5D line could split in two branches (as it happened years ago with the 1D): a 5D X (rumored since a while) and…

Bestsellers in Digital SLR Cameras

Here some ranking list of Digital SLR Cameras. The Amazon's lists are updated hourly and the Japanese ranking refers to the month of June. Amazon US Ranking 1. Canon EOS…

iPhone becomes a DSRL

Photojojo released an SRL Mount for iPhone which gives you the possibility to use your Canon EOS or Nikon SRL lenses on your iPhone. What to say? It is an…

DSLR Sales Ranking

The top ranking of DSLR Camera in June by BCN Japan The May index digital SLR on BCN Ranking in Japan had shown a new scene: Nikon and Canon which…

Speedlite 270EX II

The new Speedlite Flash. Canon has renewed Speedlite 270EX with Speedlite 270EX II, the new, ultra-lightweight and "high-performance flash unit designed for the evolving EOS enthusiast. • Ultra-compact, ultra-lightweight, high-performance…


Technicolor cinestyle gave a strong push to all Canons movie and somehow this supports the lack of Canon's news . Surely these are good times for Sony, Panasonic... but we…


About Canonwatch Welcome on board! It started as a hobby, just for fun, bringing information and news about Canon and the world of photography. CanonWatch collects news, rumors, reviews and…

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