Canon Rebel SL1 (EOS 100D)
B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA
Dpreview published their review of Canon super tiny DSLR, the Rebel SL1 (EOS 100D). The SL1 got a pretty good review, among the best features are excellent overall image quality, good high ISO image quality (even over 6400), the usability of the touchscreen, improved live view with STM lenses, and more. In the conclusion they write:
Canon took the standard Rebel and whittled it into a smaller body, removing only a few features, while adding one very important one: improved live view autofocus. The result is a mature camera for the family photographer that’s not a burden to bring along, but which can also serve as a reliable, lightweight backup for a more knowledgeable photographer. Those familiar with Canon SLRs will feel right at home, but those with smaller hands won’t feel left out or intimidated. For amateurs, Canon still includes full auto modes as well as Creative Auto mode for simple, jargon-less access to changes like color mode and background blur. Experienced photographers will be able to pick up the Canon SL1 and still feel at home, with a full set of manual and semi-auto modes.
This is the review to read if you want to learn about the Rebel SL1/EOS 100D. Sample pics are here (scroll down to the bottom).