The new Canon EOS R5 Mark II is getting plenty of positive reviews. Here is…
Canon EF-M 18-55mm STM Lens Review (The Digital Picture), And Pictures From Myanmar
The Digital Picture published a review about the EF-M 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM. ISO 12233 chart, flare, distortion and vignetting test results along with measurements & specifications are considered.
I am currently abroad in Myanmar (former Burma). Internet in Myanmar is a major problem. When it works, it is so slow that you can't upload any pics, neither you can load any pages. Sometimes it takes up to 5 minutes just to send an email. That's why I am seldom able to post anything here at CanonWatch. I am using the lens while abroad in Myanmar, and I am fully satisfied (well, I am missing a more powerful zoom). More to come (Internet permitting).
Suprisingly, the only thing that really works here in Myanmar is Flickr (don't know why). So, as an emergency solution and in order to be able to show you my pics I have to use it. I do not have an account, all the pics are hosted by a good friend (thanks GrandWazoo). Check my Canon EOS M travel pics here.
Canon EOS M price check: Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon IT, Canon IT, WEX Photographic, Canon FR, Canon UK, Canon DE