The new Canon EOS R5 Mark II is getting plenty of positive reviews. Here is…
Scott Bourne and the 5D Mark III
This is the most hilarious review about Nikon’s D800 I’ve ever read. Scott Bourne reviews it, and while doing the review he praises the EOS 5D Mark III. Funny. Needless to say: he also considers the AF of the 5D Mark III superior to the AF featured on the D800. The lower price tag is also demystified, since having a 36MP sensor means having bigger files, and that means you eventually have to invest in new computer equipment: […] you better also plan on buying more and larger hard drives, a faster computer and more and larger memory cards. The files coming off the camera are at least 40 megabytes. Do the math! […] that means you’ll need three times the hard drive space and three times the camera memory. Add that to the cost of the camera and it’s not quite the bargain it appears to be compared with the 5D MK III. Also – get used to going for coffee while your images import.
About the Auto-Focus: The Nikon D800 also has a few small problems. Its autofocus doesn’t work as expected. It seems to do an initial grab and then fine tune. The AF on the D800 is in my opinion, inferior to the AF on the 5DMKIII.
[via photofocus]