Canon EOS M6, Rebel T7i and EOS 77D manuals available for download
It’s now possible to download the user manuals for the new Canon EOS M6, Rebel T7i and EOS 77D from Canon USA
The new cameras are expected to start shipping by the end of the March/beginning of April (depending by your geographical area. To pre-order follow the links below:
Canon EOS 77D: Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon IT, Canon IT, WEX Photographic, Canon FR, Canon UK, Canon DE
Canon EOS M6: Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon IT, Canon IT, WEX Photographic, Canon FR, Canon UK, Canon DE
Canon Rebel T7i/EOS 800D: Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon IT, Canon IT, WEX Photographic, Canon FR, Canon UK, Canon DE