Giveaway: Win A Handmade Hyperion Camera Strap, Or Get One With 15% Discount

Customisable hyperion Camera Strap

Together with our friend Pavlos at Hyperion Camera Straps we offer you the chance to win one of three handmade and customizable camera straps.

To enter the giveaway use the box below, or click here to visit the giveaway page. Taking part in the giveaway is easy. You can do one or all of the following (the more the merrier):

  • Follow Canon Watch on Twitter
  • Visit the Canon Watch page on Facebook
  • Visit the Hyperion Camera Strap page on Facebook
  • Tweet about our giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Three winners will be randomly selected and will get a customizable Hyperion camera strap. Check all colors and options at Hyperion Camera Straps. Camera straps are shipped worldwide without taxes or shipping fees.

Hyperion Camera Straps started as a personal DIY project of owner Pavlos to make affordable and durable, practical and pretty camera straps for his friend’s. The success was huge. One friend after another started asking him to make one for them too and so he started production. They are on Instagram too.

One more thing. When purchasing these beautifully crafted camera straps you get 15% discount by using our exclusive code “CanonWatch” at checkout. The straps are shipped worldwide.

Save 15% On These Handmade and Customisable Camera Straps With Our Exclusive Code

camera straps

Let me introduce Hyperion Handmade Camera Straps

Hyperion Handmade Camera Straps started as a personal DIY project by owner Pavlos to make affordable and durable, practical and pretty camera straps for his friend’s. The success was huge. One friend after another started asking him to make one for them too and so he started production.

You can choose your own custom made camera strap out of 900 different color combinations.

Prices start from €15/$18. And here comes the best part. You can get 15% discount by using our exclusive code “CanonWatch” at checkout. The straps are shipped worldwide.

Disclaimer: we are not getting paid or compensated for this post. We like these straps and so we decided to feature them. Pavlos was so nice to give us a discount code.