The new Canon EOS R5 Mark II is getting plenty of positive reviews. Here is…
Want To Know What The Canon EOS M Can Do? Then Read This Review

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After the sad fact that Canon removed the EOS M from their USA site, this review is more than appropriate. The Canon EOS M got so many unfounded critics, often made by people that did barely use it. It started badly because the not-so-good auto-focus performance of the original firmware (which became much better with the firmware update). And most reviewers never considered all the other virtues of this fantastic camera, i.e. color rendition, solid build, light-weight, and much more. Not to mention that you can use all Canon EF and EF-S lenses thru the adapter.
At they posted a serious and well done review, testing the EOS M in real world settings with a lot of lenses (not only with native EF-M lenses). This is a review I totally agree about, and what they write is what I experienced with the EOS M. The reviewer writes that he just can’t stop using it – same for me. I think there is no other camera manufacturer that invest so much resources as Canon when it comes to color accuracy.
Some more good points:
We’re on the same level of the Fuji X series and Sony Nex cameras as far as the sensor is concerned. What really makes the difference here is the lens lineup, or rather the lack of a lens lineup in Canon’s system compared to what the other manufacturers can offer.
[…] the camera’s best performances are “hidden” behind what justifies a camera to exist, the image quality itself. […] there is no reason to worry up to ISO 1600. ISO 3200 is still usable

In the conclusion the reviewer writes:
The camera itself with the three dedicated lenses is already capable of producing great results and it’s a pity Canon decided to provide only these three lenses. It’s even worse that the prime lenses lineup is not a lineup, there’s only the 22mm F2.0 that showed to be a great perfomer.
Despite all of that the M system is already enough to cover many shooting conditions with a small and inexpensive package.
A great addition to the system is the EF mount adapter that allows to use the existing EF and EF-S lenses with this camera. As I said before this allows to have a small and inexpensive package that can be easily used when the speed and accuracy of a DSLR is not needed.
Be sure to check riflessifotografici’s review. There is more information about the EOS M and the review comes with a massive set of sample images, shot with the native EF-M lenses and some EF and EF-S lenses. Definitely worth to be read and seen.
Finally, consider that the EOS M and EOS M kits are a bargain for the time being. Check the links below to get an idea about the price for your country:
Canon EOS M price check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA EF-M 18-55mm IS STM price check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA EF-M f/2 22mm IS STM price check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA EF-M 11-22mm IS STM price check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA