Canon EOS R5 Mark II To Start Shipping In June-July 2024?
This is a new one: rumors about shipping of a camera that has yet to be announced (the EOS R5 Mark II).
Latest has it that the Canon EOS R5 Mark II will start shipping around June or July 2024. The rumores announcement date was late April or early May 2024.
The source of the rumor thinks…:
[…] a May announcement will make the most sense. There are a few things that happen before a major launch and the timeline they follow has been relatively similar for years. We can’t expand on that.We have also been told from a retail source, that they are preparing for the EOS R5 Mark II to begin shipping in late June/July of this year.
Another source claims that production of the EOS R5 Mark II has begun, how far into the production process they are is unknown at this time.
Take it with a grain of salt, and spend your time snapping pictures.
Source: Canon Rumors