It appears the Canon EOS R1 is definitely in the hands of select photographers, undergoing…
(CW2) A new 18-55mm lens for EOS M system coming?

I have been told (thanks) that Canon is working on a replacement for the EF-M 18-55mm IS STM lens. The new 18-55mm should be smaller, at least when not used thanks to a retractive design (as the EF-M 11-22mm f/4-5.6 IS STM has). IS and STM obviously on board. No word about aperture but I guess it will hardly be different from f/3-5-5.6. The new EF-M 18-55mm should also be lighter than the current one. The source said the new 18-55mm IS STM will be announced in Fall 2015.
The EF-M 18-55mm lens was released with the first EOS M. It can’t be said this is an old lens. However, compared to what other manufacturers make, the 18-55mm may look somewhat outdated. A smaller and lighter lens with the same zoom range would for sure be appreciated by many EOS M system owners.
I rate the rumor CW2 since it comes from a new source, though I am almost tempted to give it a CW3. For the following reason: Canon is heavily pushing the EOS M3 bundled as a kit, in Europe you can get the M3 only as a kit with the EF-M 18-55mm IS STM lens. Doesn’t that look like someone wants to empty stocks?
Btw, there are some pretty good EOS M deals on Amazon US, for instance the EOS M for only $299.89.
The EOS M3 is not on sale in the US, and is available in Europe only as kit with the EF-M 18-55mm IS STM lens (Amazon Italy, Amazon Germany, Amazon UK). You can order the M3 also at DigitalRev (ships internationally). Detailed M3 specification can be read here.
About our rumour rating:
- CW1 – probably fake rumor, not reliable (less than 15% chance to be real)
- CW2 – rumor from an unknown/new source, but otherwise at least a plausible rumor (15%-40% chance to be real)
- CW3 – around 50% chance to be real, coming from a known source, or from new source with good insight in Canon’s business
- CW4 – rumor from a known source that was right in the past, high probability to be true (60%-80% chance to be real)
- CW5 – as good as certain to be true