Here is a new Canon patent application for two zoom lenses. Canon patent application 2024160458…
[CW3] Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8 Mark III in the works? Canon patent for 16-35mm f/2.8 lens spotted

Last week I got a rumor I didn’t take seriously. The rumor suggested that Canon is working on a new version of the highly popular EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM lens. Well. I think I was wrong in not trusting the source. The EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM was released in 2007, so a replacement is not out of the realm of possibilities. Given the patent, I rate the rumour CW3.
Egami (translated) spotted a patent that appears to support the rumour of a EF 16-35mm f/2.8 Mark III lens.
- Patent Publication No. 2014-206674
- Published 2014.10.30
- Filing date 2013.4.15
- Example 1
- Zoom ratio 2.06
- Focal length f = 16.49-23.74-33.94mm
- Fno. 2.91
- Half angle of view ω = 52.69-42.35-32.51 °
- BF 38.74-48.38-63.65mm

About our rumour rating:
- CW1 – probably fake rumor, not reliable (less than 15% chance to be real)
- CW2 – rumor from an unknown/new source, but otherwise at least a plausible rumor (15%-40% chance to be real)
- CW3 – around 50% chance to be real, coming from a known source, or from new source with good insight in Canon’s business
- CW4 – rumor from a known source that was right in the past, high probability to be true (60%-80% chance to be real)
- CW5 – as good as certain to be true