Arsi Ikonen - Brown bear with 7D + 70-200 mm F2.8 L. I like that lens!…
Most Liked Canon Watch Reader Pics
Mike Darter – large male polar bear rests before heading out onto the icy Hudson Bay for hunting season. (Manitoba, Canada)
Here is the round-up of the most liked reader pics of the week. Thanks all for your great pics,we had a lot of them last week. NOTE: if you posted your photo late in the week it will be evaluated next week. Nothing gets lost :-)
How it works:
1) Submit your picture with a short description on Canon Watch’s Facebook page
2) Like and comment the pictures from other readers on the Photo Stream
3) A selection of the most liked pictures will be posted every Sunday here on Canon Watch
Show us what you can do with a Canon camera!
Andre Yabiku – Seeking the next meal – Shot with G1X
Jessi Dunn Photography – Taken with Canon 5D Mark III and EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II lens.
Mike Darter – Polar Bears sparring in Churchill before continuing onto icy Hudson Bay to hunt ringed seals. Canon 6D/ 300mm f/2.8
Thomas Emberson – Near the end of last summer, this (the exposures) was shot with a 7D, 10-22mm lens at 22mm, ISO160. The arch is from the Marget Hunt Hill bridge in Dallas, about 30-45 minutes after sunrise.