It appears the Canon EOS R1 is definitely in the hands of select photographers, undergoing…
Prices for Canon gear set to raise by 20% in Europe after August 2016 [CW4]
This comes from a very solid source. I have been told (thanks) that prices for Canon gear in Europe will get higher after August 2016. I got no side-infos about that but according to my source it is due to the weak Euro (and Pound, both compared to the Euro). The rumor is backed up by EU and UK retailers I contacted. The expected price increase will be around 20%.
Not the best news. If you are based in the EU or UK and are on the fence for some new Canon gear, then it’s likely a good idea to get it before August 2016 (Amazon DE | eBay DE | Wex Photographic DE | Amazon UK | eBay UK | Wex Photographic UK | Park Cameras | DigitalRev)