A new Canon rumor surfaced, and it's about new R7 models. Rumors surrounding Canon’s EOS…
Deal: Canon EOS M w/ EF-M 18-55mm IS STM Lens $499.99
Great deal by seller bigvalueinc on eBay US: The Canon EOS M with the EF-M 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM lens for . All four color options available. Free shipping and limited stock.
Note: This is an imported model, the seller writes:
This product is an imported model. It is completely identical to the USA model and is produced by the same factories. This product comes set in English as a standard, with USA connections, and English manuals. Imported models do not carry a USA manufacturer warranty card. Your purchase is covered by a BigValueInc store warranty which covers you for 1 Year.