Humor: Meet The Vidiot, The Flasher, The Macro Freak, And More Clueless DSLR Users

This funny little video was made by Sony to push its mirrorless camera offerings. The video makes fun of eight stereotypes of DSLR shooters that have no clues about what they are doing. Sony created the Youtube account DSLR Gear No Idea to post this video.

Hilarious thing. Meet the following kinds of people with lotsa gear and no idea about how to use it: the foreign correspondent, the status updaters, the f-stop fusspot, the flasher, the sideline hero, the macro freak, the lens spotter and the vidiot. Needless to say: the video is going viral. Have fun!

[DSLR Gear No Idea via PetaPixel]


[Humor] Welcome The iCanon Überphone

iPhones are massively used to shot pictures (think Instagram, social networks etc). That's probably the reason why video web artist Adam Sacks thought that

[s]ince people only use their iPhones to take photos of food, Apple rethought everything about the iPhone 5.

The result is a hilarious little video that shows what the next iPhone should/could/may be. And then, hey, the camera in the video looks very much like a Canon DSLR. Are Apple and Canon joining forces to make the ÜberPhoneDSLRInstaEverything supergadget? Just kidding…

[adamthinks, via gizmodo]

[Humor] EXCLUSIVE: First Image Of Canon’s Mirorrless System Camera!!

I usually post pictures at the beginning of an article. Not this time. I am so excited about what I can show you today that I have to create some thrill before revealing the image. Ladies and Gentlemen, CanonWatch is proud to present the very first image of Canon’s upcoming mirrorless camera. No detailed specs, except that it looks like the camera has an FD mount, an APS-C sensor with 36MP and a big big touchscreen (really a big one, I have been told that the back of the cam is just a 4″ touchscreen). Moreover, I have been told that the camera has voice control (something like Apple’s Siri). You can talk to your camera! Isn’t that amazing? Nikon won’t have this for the next 10 years! And when they finally have it, it will probably be the camera that is insulting you.

What you are going to see, is an awesome and beautiful piece of timeless post-modern industrial design, something that puts Nikon’s V1 and J1 to shame (regarding aesthetics and performance). It is neither the retro look Olympus and Panasonic embraced, nor the cheesy wanna-be-high-tech look of Nikon’s kindergarten tools. And I won’t even mention Sony, since a company making walkmans and play-stations can’t really be serious about photography. I mean, Sony go on making video-games and let us serious people alone with your boring NEXt stuff! Who wants to shot a Sony (or a Nikon for that matter)!? So, enough words have been spoken, now you have to see it to believe it (after the jump).

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