Magic Lantern’s Progress and How It Works – Video

This is 42 minutes video that introduces you to how Magic Lantern works, what it does on your camera, what the origins of the project are, and how the ML team progresses with new innovations (think RAW hack). The presentation was given by Georg Hofstetter and Michael Zöller back in May at the Open Source 2013 LinuxTag event. The The video is presented as follows:

Magic Lantern is a Free Software add-on for Canon EOS DSLR cameras, that offers increased functionality aimed mainly at DSLR enthusiasts and power users. It is very similar to CHDK for Canon compact cameras and it runs alongside Canon’s own firmware, by hooking into the startup process.

This talk presents a live demonstration of Magic Lantern, showing some of its unique unctionalities and covers the hardware and software internals of Canon’s camera operating system DryOS. It also shows that programming your DSLR is quite similar to programming any embedded ARM device in plain C. Finally, since Magic Lantern is not endorsed by Canon in any way, we also present some legal aspects that every firmware modder should be aware of.

[via nofilmschool]

Magic Lantern RAW Workflow Video Tutorial (and a beautiful video made with EOS 5D3)

Neumannfilms posted a video tutorial about how to use the Magic Lantern hack to get raw video from a Canon EOS 5D Mark III. You can download the RAW file, the H.264 comparison shot, and the raw2dng.exe file here. A tutorial on how to install Magic Lantern can be found here. They say:

The quality is really amazing in this raw video. I would compare it to shooting 1080p moving cr2 files which is the file type that you get with doing raw photography in the Canon cameras. So just having this option in the Canon 5D Mark III and other Canon cameras is just huge. Even if you’re only going to use it twice a year to shoot greenscreen work, having the option in the camera instantly bumps up its worth at least a few thousand dollars.

Neumannfilms produced the video below, Summer in Oregon, which shows what you can do with the Magic Lantern RAW hack.

[cinescopophilia via creativeplanetnetwork]

A Guide for Shooting RAW on the Canon EOS 50D Using Magic Lantern Hack (Book)

Magic Lantern Hack
Image courtesy: EOSHD

The Magic Lantern hack that brought RAW video on the Canon EOS 50D (here on eBay). Not only the EOS 50D now can shoot video (was never thought to do so) but it can shoot RAW footage. To make it short: the EOS 50D delivers lot of videography power for the money you have to spend. The EOS 50D is five year old, can be found on eBay for around $500 (but believe me, the price will raise) , and is a solidly build camera. All this magic attracted people interested in using the 50D as video tool, so EOSHD made a guide to recording cinematic raw video on the Canon 50D. More after the break.

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Magic Lantern News And New Releases (Canon EOS 5D Mark III and EOS 7D)

Most of you probably know about Magic Lantern, a cool firmware hack that extends the feature set of your Canon EOS DSLR.

A new release of the firmware hack Magic Lantern for the Canon EOS 5D Mark III was released. It is still an “alpha-release”, i.e. a piece of software in its very early stage of development. Nevertheless, the release works fine on the EOS 5D Mark III. The video above shows the (new) features you get with this release of Magic Lantern. Among others you get: smooth exposure transitions (ISO, shutter or aperture), HDR Video, focus assistants, display enhancements like clean HDMI out and all sorts of display tweaks. To see all implemented features have a look on the EOS 5D Mark III Magic Lantern’s site, where you can download the firmware and will find the installation instructions.

But there is also a new release of Magic Lantern for the Canon EOS 7D that’s heavily in work (not yet released). Just recently an alpha release of ML for the EOS 7D was released. Now, in this new alpha-release, first attempts to implement clean HDMI are done. This feature is already available for other Canon DSLR Magic Lantern releases. It would be great if we could have it on the 7D. I am sure the skilled hackers working on Magic Lantern will not disappoint us. Check the video below to see what’s coming. Magic Lantern developer g3ggode, referring to the video, says [via nofilmschool]:

This is a test video where i filmed my Samsung LCD showing Canon EOS 7D HDMI output while recording. Test subject is the “Clear overlays” feature, that disables all paintings on HDMI output.

Check Magic Lantern’s EOS 7D page for more information

Canon EOS 5D Mark III price check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA Canon EOS 7D price check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA