Talking About Entry-Level Full Frame DSLRs Price Tags (hint: Nikon’s D600 not as cheap as expected, $2800?)
While we are waiting to know more about Canon’s entry-level full frame DSLR (EOS 6D) it is good to learn that Nikon’s entry-level FF DSLR, the D600, will not be as cheap as expected. The image above was sent to me. It shows prices for the D600 and some lenses. I suppose the first entry refers to a D600 body only option. You can see that the D600’s price is 218,000 Yen, which roughly corresponds to €2170/$2800! So, by no mean the low price ($1500) that was so much touted over the Internet. However, I am simply converting currencies here. The reported price is for Japan. Nikon could easily decide to give another price tag to the D600, especially if you consider that the Nikon D800 costs around $3000.
If this will be the D600’s price, then this may be a bad news. Such a price tag will not force Canon to align the price of the EOS 6D. In other words, if Nikon’s D600 would cost $1500, then Canon would be under pressure to sell its own entry-level FF DSLR at a similar, competitive price.