It appears the Canon EOS R1 is definitely in the hands of select photographers, undergoing…
Canon EOS 6D Mark II rumor (and user poll), two test-units out in the wild? [CW2]
In the past we had rumors pointing to different sensor resolutions for the Canon EOS 6D Mark II: 24MP and 28MP. A new rumor I got (thanks) suggests that Canon is still testing both scenarios.
Is this likely? I guess it is a bit late to make tests to decide if it is better to release a 24MP EOS 6D2 or a 28MP EOS 6D2. Most of us agree that the EOS 6D Mark II will be announced by Q1 2016. Canon still testing the EOS 6D Mark II doesn’t sound very likely to me.
However, we do not yet have reliable rumors about the EOS 6D Mark II sensor resolution. Here at CW we got rumors about a 28MP sensor, other suggest it may have 24MP sensor. Might this post start some new EOS 6D2 rumors.
There are also rumors suggesting the EOS 6D Mark II will go upmarket. There is some misunderstanding or confusion here. The EOS 6D2 is not “going upmarket”, it will just have all the new features that technology can offer in 2015-16. The EOS 6D Mark II will be Canon’s next entry-level, full-frame DSLR.
While I do not give much credit to a rumor stating Canon is still testing two possible models of the EOS 6D Mark II, I am pretty curious to learn what you think will be the sensor resolution of the Canon EOS 6D Mark II. And feel free to let me know what you think in the comment section.
Canon EOS 6D Mark II sensor resolution
- I do not care (40%, 667 Votes)
- It's going to be a 28MP sensor (32%, 527 Votes)
- It's going to be a 24MP sensor (29%, 478 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,672

About our rumour rating:
- CW1 – probably fake rumor, not reliable (less than 15% chance to be real)
- CW2 – rumor from an unknown/new source, but otherwise at least a plausible rumor (15%-40% chance to be real)
- CW3 – around 50% chance to be real, coming from a known source, or from new source with good insight in Canon’s business
- CW4 – rumor from a known source that was right in the past, high probability to be true (60%-80% chance to be real)
- CW5 – as good as certain to be true