New EOS 5D Mark III promo video and rental information

The video comes from Canon France and it’s called Eye of the mind. It was made to show the color capturing capabilities of the EOS 5D Mark III.

Then: is accepting reservations for the 5D Mark III (click here). If you can’t afford one, at least you can rent one. :-)

One last thing: March 22 has been confirmed to be the first shipping date.

For more important information about the EOS 5D Mark III (and world-wide order and pre-order options) click here.

To see all of my EOS 5D Mark III coverage click here.

EOS 5D Mark III price check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA


Powershot G1 X reviews round-up

New reviews for you. For Canon G1 X sample pics click here. Note that I will no longer post links to forum posts with sample images. Since the Powershot G1 X is now available, there is an increasing number of pics that appear on on Flickr (click here).

ephotozine posted a detailed review with lots of samples (high ISO too). They conclude:

The Canon Powershot G1 X is an interesting camera, simply because it has a large 14.3 megapixel CMOS sensor that is capable of producing high quality images with lots of detail. ISO noise performance is impressive with low noise right up to high ISO settings.

dcresource is next with a review extending on several pages and also the obligatory set of sample pictures. From their conclusion:

if you’ve got $800 burning a hole in your pocket and want a semi-compact camera with D-SLR image quality, then look no further than the Canon PowerShot G1 X.

Finally, I always like to here what photographers say about a camera, beside the pure technical issues. Elizabeth Halford got her hands on a brand new G1 X and tells us what she thinks about. She says:

So overall, I’m really excited to start using this camera more. And keep an eye out because my videos will be filmed with this camera from now on, too!

Enjoy your reading!

For more G1 X pictures click here.

Canon Powershot G1 Xprice check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA Check also our eBay live-ticker below for possible G1 X deals.


Canon USA (Chuck Westfall) about the EOS 5D Mark III

Photographer Arash Hazeghi interviewed Chuck Westfalltechnical advisor at the Professional Engineering & Solutions Division, Canon U.S.A. The interview focuses on the principal technical features of the EOS 5D Mark III. It is worth to be read, especially if you want to know  what Canon itself has to say about its new full-frame camera. However, no hints about future developments, i.e. about a possible high res full-frame camera by Canon. Mr. Westfall’s answer: «no comment on Canon’s future plans or products». That’s a pity!

Here some excerpts from the interview (click here to read the interview):

  • Sensor IQ-related improvements
    • Gapless Microlenses: more light can reach each photodiode on the sensor (5D Mark II had gapless microlenses)
    • New photodiode structure: improved photoelectric conversion rate.
    • On-chip noise reduction: has been improved
  • Higher data throughput: good for EOS movie-making
  • Why 22 Megapixel?
    • base level IQ
    • high continuous shooting spead (6 fps)
  • A new DPP version to come out
    • will have digital lens optimizing
  • 5D Mark III AF sensor and AI Servo III have same tracking algorithm as EOS 1DX
  • Shutter lag time is 59milliseconds (5D2: 73msec)
  • Viewfinder blackout time is 112msec (5D2: 145msec)

For more information about the EOS 5D Mark III (reviews, sample pics, world-wide order and pre-order options) click here. For a comprehensive hands-on review of the EOS 5D Mark III by DPreview click here.

EOS 5D Mark III price check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA EOS 5D Mark II price check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA

Check our eBay live-ticker for possible 5D Mark II deals


[via CR] [shariff]

New 5D Mark III round-up: high ISO, hands-on, and more stuff

Note: For more information about the EOS Canon 5D Mark III, including world-wide pre-order options, click here.

Engadget has a pre-production 5D Mark III, and while we wait for the full review they have posted some sample pictures shot with high ISO settings. They conclude:

As expected, the camera offered excellent performance at all of the native settings — as you can see from the image above, there’s some noise noticeable when viewing an image at full size, though considering the camera’s top resolution of 22.3 megapixels, we hardly see ISO 25,600 being an issue

For a true pixel-peeping exercise nothing fits better than this post on (Google translated). Comparison with the 5D Mark II is done using various sets of crops. digitalcamerainfo started a work in progress review (click here to read, they started with a pre-production model and will finish tech specs on the production one). Lots of sample pictures. Next, I have two hands-on videos for you. whatdigitalcamera got its hands on the 5D Mark III (at the Canon stand at the Focus On Imaging show) and shows an overview about features and specifications.

And there is another guy lucky enough to have had the 5D Mark III in his hands (again at Focus On Imaging)


I also found four videos on youtube about high ISO samples that are examined with a post-processing software.

ISO 4000 test shots (pre-production 5D Mark III & 70-200 2.8 IS II)

ISO 6400 test shots (pre-production 5D Mark III & 24-105mm):

and ISO 12800 (pre-production 5D Mark III & 24-105mm):

and finally ISO 25600 (pre-production 5D Mark III & 24-105mm):

For more information about the EOS Canon 5D Mark III, including world-wide pre-order, options click here.

Canon 5D Mark III price check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA Canon 5D Mark II price check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA [via engadget, NC]

5D Mark III hands-on reviews round-up

And the focus goes back to the EOS 5D Mark III.

Let us start with two comparisons between the 5D3 and Nikon’s D800. Comparisons based on specification sheets, to be more exactly. The first at expertphotography (click here), the second at thenewcamera (click here). Both are quick to read and give an essential overview of the specs. If you want a more detailed comparison among the 5D3 and the D800 then click here to see what arts&letters has to say about.

dslrhd asks if the 5D3 is the right DSLR video camera for you, and gives a Q&A-shaped answer (click here). And since we are speaking about Q&A, planet5D posted two videos with questions and answers about the 5D Mark III (two parts, overall playing time is around 2 hours – click here).

filmmakermagazine says the 5D3 does more hence it costs more. If you want to know why then click here. On the same strain nofilmschool explains why the 5D3 costs what it costs and why it is worth it (click here). If your looking at the 5D3 for film making then you may be interested in what digitalfilm has to say about (click here).

Did you ever ask yourself why people buys a 5D Mark III? You did? Ok, then this is for you. Stu Maschwitz at prolost bought one and tells us reasons and motivations, along with some tech analysis (click here). And we obviously would never forget to check what Ken Rockwell has to say about the 5D3. «The Canon EOS 5D Mark III is the best digital SLR ever made by Canon» is the first statement of a long and detailed examination of the features and tweaks of Canon’s new full-frame camera. Click here to readtechradar explains why the 5D3 does not have an articulated screen (hint: weather sealing, click here). The same guys did also provide us with a hands-on review (click here).

And we have more. Vincent Laforet shares his thoughts about the 5D3 (click here). A detailed hands-on review by theverge (click here). Another hands-on by gizmodo (click here). letsgodigital has some interesting pics for ISO comparison (click here). If you want to see almost 50 pics of the 5D3 itself then the photograhpyblog is the right place to go (click here). And finally some more thoughts about the 5D3 (click here).

Almost forgot this: more sample pictures at imaging-resource (click here); RAW included so don’t forget you need Adobe Camera Raw 6.7rc to see them (click here to download).

Ok, hope this was useful for you. For more stuff about the EOS 5D Mark III (and world-wide pre-order options) click here.

EOS 5D Mark III price check: [shopcountry 2431]

planet5D Q&A video part 1

…and part 2

Canon EOS 5D Mark III group Q&A part 2 from planetMitch on Vimeo.


Canon G1 X sample pics and reviews round-up (and a little more)

Time to come back to the Canon G1 X.

EDIT: check our PicDroid (click here) for the latest pics shot with a G1X and uploaded to Flickr.

Since people is getting their hands on Canon’s little new mirror-less (but not yet system) cam, more and more pics show up in forums and the camera is discussed all over the web. Here, for your reading watching and analyzing pleasure, you have a round-up of reviews, hands-on, and posts of mostly very satisfied new owners. All provide some pics. Lets start with the forum posts:

And the cam gets also a ton of reviews, here a selected list

That’s all for the time being. One last thing: the cam started to show up on top-rated seller shops on ebay, most time with world-wide shipping options (click here). And you can look out for possible dealsin the following box.


Canon G1 X price check: [shopcountry 1785]

