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Five Reasons To Prefer Full Frame Over APS-C and Micro 4/3

micro 4/3
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A video about the never ending dispute on what’s better among sensor size and format. Do you prefer full frame over APS-C and Micro 4/3?

In the video below Manny Ortiz lists five reasons that make him prefer full frame cameras over APS-C and Micro 4/3. Personally I’m a big fan of APS-C sensors and don’t see any full frame advantage for at least 90% of the pictures I take. I take pics mainly on travel and abroad and highly value every bit of weight I can avoid. For me APS-C, especially with Canon’s recent sensors, is the way to go. The needs of other photographers might be different, and if you shoot a lot in low light or at night then a full frame sensor is likely the better way to go.

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