Canon published their financial results for the year 2024. All is good and the company…
[Humor] Is This Real: iOS, Android and Windows 8 Running On Canon DSLRs?

The images showed up on Sina Weibo, the Chinese sibling to Twitter. The pics show three mobile operating systems running on Canon (and Nikon) DSLRs: Google's Android, Apple's iOS and Microsoft's Windows 8. Moreover, a game (Fruit Ninja, Counter Strike) looks as running and be playable (with the control buttons of a DSLR it must be funny).
Obviously a hoax (why just pics and no clips?), even if it looks real. May be easy to make: just upload some images to the camera? :-) As far as hacking can go, this is not feasible. Maybe in some gadget lover's dreams.
[micgadget via redmondpie]