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Update – Interview With Canon’s Masaya Maeda (7D Mark II not a story of the day so far)
The Canon EOS 7D – When will the successor be announced?
Update: Reader DePaula (thanks!) was so kind to translate the EOS 7D part. Here is the translation:
DKW: As for the readers of DigiKame Watch, there are many who are waiting for the EOS 7D’s sucessor. Up through the release of last year’s major firmware update, there were many who felt that a new model with even better specs would be released shortly…
MM: Yes, they would be correct. For us, it’s about looking at what the camera has the potential to be and then adding that to what it can currently do. I do think the current model is still very attractive to buyers. And while we are, of course, developing its successor, it’ll be one that incorporates a certain number of innovative technologies. We will not be putting out a product with merely better specs, but one that has evolved into new territory. But then again, we’re not talking about something a long time from now either. DKW: For example, your rival, Sony exceeded some of the limits that had been holding them back last year by asking themselves, “How far can we go?” They pursued the RX Series which is now in the market and delivered the goods, literaly, to their customers. And while Canon cameras will always be known for things like their high image quality, functionality, and great performance, somewhere along the line I get the impression that Canon began behaving as if it were the be-all and end-all in the camera world. The 7D seemed, in a sense, to be Canon’s attempt at showing its sensitivity and desire to go beyond its limits but, Mr. Maeda, do you personally have an interest in pursuing such “extreme” products like your competitors? MM: Naturally, I want a camera to be something you put in your hand, peer out in the world with, and become happy with. And I absolutely want them to get smaller. I will refrain from commenting on other companies’ products, but speaking of our own, while cameras like the PowerShot S Series are considered small, they are still massive in my mind. We want to change that. And we will continue to pursue improvement in areas like production quality and the overall quality of our products in addition to high image quality. |
Japanese dc.watch.impress published an interview with Canon’s managing director Mr. Tian Rong Makoto Masaya Maeda (thanks kohashi). The interview is long and touches various aspects of Canon’s strategies. You can read it here, and machine translated here.
We are particularly interested to know what is going on with the EOS 7D Mark II, the highly anticipated successor of the EOS 7D (price & specs). Caveat: the interview is machine translated, so you have to take some efforts for interpretation. The post title gets translated with «the successor [of the] EOS 7D is “not a story of the day so far“». More tidbits can be extracted from the interview: the 7D Mark II will not be announced at CP+. On the other hand: the development of the EOS 7D Mark II gets an official confirmation in the interview.
Below is the summary posted on digicame-info, also machine translated:
- Last year was the Year of top reinforcement in each product category, the Prestige model. I believe that the technologies developed in the Prestige model per each genre, increasing the sophistication of the feature, this year, we will try to fall into the lower models.
- purely to pursue while maintaining high-quality and high-sensitivity performance EOS has, how far can be reduced. This is the theme of the first one of the first (EOS M). However, I think the future will continue to expand because variation in the mirror-less machine, various types of product will come out.(The successor to the EOS 7D that does not appear immediately) is per premonition.
- Although the development of the successor of course, it is “the product innovations put some kind.” Instead of that issue as a successor to the product that you spec up a little, it will be what has evolved towards a new area. However, it is not the story of the day so far.
The interview delivers more on Canon’s now to next strategies and philosophy. Covered topics include
- Cinema EOS and video features of DSLRs
- EOS-1D C
- Mirrorless camera strategy
- PowerShot N
Although the machine translation is far from being even somewhat understandable, I re-post the EOS 7D Mark II part here, for your interpretative pleasure. :-)
[via digicame-info]– In terms of audience of the digital camera Watch, very many who are looking forward to the successor of the EOS 7D. That last year, it was the latest model specifications second to put the big firmware update, I have also been feeling or the successor is that? Maybe not yet out soon ……
“The development has been of course I think feeling is that derive from is per. Potential and exploit the power of existing models. It attractive products yet. Well successor model, it is” innovation of some sort products put “instead of that issued as a successor will be. products that spec up a little, be something that has evolved towards a new area. though, I’m not talking about the Sun far too much”
– Sony’s rival last year released the RX series, remove the limiter of some sort, was pursued how far you can, for example? It was also supported by the consumer. Canon cameras are high quality and feel of the usual basic functions, the goodness of the performance, on the other hand, I have the impression of acting with a “moderation” somewhere. I think these remove the limiter, it was part of the appeal and sensibility was EOS 7D, You may also be interested in the product along the “Extreme” is Tian Rong’s own truth?
The camera, I want to to something nice to look at and pick up, comment want a product that was downsizing thoroughly. Of company and product but refrain, even PowerShot S series he is speaking in our products still ” , although small, but still I think big. course, while raising the quality of production as. things that you want to somehow as Canon, a sense of quality, it will continue to pursue higher quality “
Canon EOS 7D price check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA