EOS 5D Mark III reviews (and problems) small round-up
I still do not have any significant information (from retailers) about the rumored recall/stock delay of the EOS 5D Mark III, while it seems confirmed that new batches of the Mark III have a different top LCD cover (may it have to do with the leaking issue?). However, given the fact that Canon now officially recognizes the light-leaking issue I reported about, we should soon hear something more about. In the mean time, don’t get too much worried about these issues, at least not as long as you are not shooting with mounted lens caps :-). At least the problem with the EOS 5D Mark III RAW files should be resolved by a new version of DPP that is ready for download. But then: It seems that Canon is not the only company that has problems with its recent products! Nikon’s D800 is exploding, and has problems with tethering, colors and memory cards. And while we are waiting for (Canon-)news, why not have a look at the latest EOS 5D Mark III reviews…?