Canon EOS R1 To Be Announced In 2024? (85MP, 24fps, more DR)
A new Canon EOS R1 rumor surfaced from the interweb of rumor mills.
The rumor states that the Canon EOS R1 might get announced not earlier than 2024. Allegedly, the intel came from a Canon Explorer of Light. The rumor also suggests the Canon EOS R1 might have an 85MP imaging sensor, 24fps (mechanical raw burst), and will have improved dynamic range. Sounds good,doesn’t it?
We too got indeed a suggestion that the Canon EOS R1 might not get announced before 2024. The Summer Games 2024 come to mind as a possible schedule for the announcement.
The Canon EOS R1 is sort of long running rumor. Everyone knows that it will eventually be announced, so everyone speculates about it, sometime wilder sometimes less wild.
All Canon EOS R1 rumors are listed here.
Stay tuned.
[via TNC]