Canon Professional Network Lightroom 5 Tutorial: Local Adjustements (pt. 4)

Lightroom 5 Tutorial

Canon Professional Network published part 4/5 of their ongoing Lightroom 5 tutorials: Local Adjustments.

In Part 4 of this series Richard Curtis looks at all of the local adjustment options in Lightroom and, in a special video, he reveals how to edit elements of your pictures using local adjustments.

There is a video to watch, and the following topics are covered (also in text form):

  • Graduated Filter
  • Operating the Graduated Filter
  • Cloning and Healing
  • Operating the Clone/Heal Tool
  • Adjustment Brush
  • Adjustment Brush: add depth to foreground shadows
  • Adjustment Brush: change the colour of a person’s jacket
  • Adjustment Brush: change the brightness of whites in eyes
  • Crop Tool
  • Radial Filter
  • Red-Eye Reduction Tool

Lightroom 5 price check: B&H Photo, Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Canon Canada, Canon USA

How To Get Accurate Colors in Difficult Light Using a Filter (White Balance)

White Balance

You all know the following situation: difficult light settings confuse the white-balance of your camera and you’ve to use a grey card to calibrate the WB. Not a big issue but prone to errors and sometimes uncomfortable (think rain). Another way to get the WB right in such settings is to use a filter on top of your lens that acts as a neutral diffusion filter that passes 18% of the ambient light to the cameras light meter. What you have is a grey frame you can comfortably use to calibrate the WB.

Adorama has the ExpoImaging ExpoDisc Digital White Balance filters all 50% off the regular price, starting from $34.99 for the 52mm filter up to 52.49 for the 82mm filter.

Product description after the break.

Click here to open the rest of the article

Use An Old Headphone To Make A Tilt-Shift Lens (DIY)

Image courtesy:

Looking for a weekend project? Having some old headphones in your closet? This is a cool and easy project for you.

What you need:

  • The ear pads from a headphone
  • Adhesive (a minimum of scotch tape or even better a contact cement or super glue)
  • Optional: piece of chipboard (back of notepad), black spray paint, dry erase marker, rear lens cover, body cap

Follow the instructions at diyphotography.

DIY: Adding WiFi to a Canon EOS DSLR on the Cheap

If you want WiFi on your Canon EOS DSLR you have two choices: either get a WiFi enabled memory card, or get a pricey Wireless transmitter. If you want to go for the cheapest solution, and are kin to do some hacking, there is a nice solution for you (at least if you have an Android device). You need the following: an Android smartphone or tablet, a TV Stick with DLSR Controller Beta and DSLR Controller Wi-Fi Stick app installed, and a power bank that acts as a power source for the TV stick. The video above shows the setup.

More details at yugatech and dslrcontroller
