Canon EOS 5Dx coming with 4K recording? [CW4/CW3]

eos 5d mark iv

Another suggestion of 4K coming to the EOS 5D Mark III replacement. As a reminder: we were the first to leak it (in July 2014), and we got another pertinent suggestion a month ago.

The interesting thing with this rumor: it comes from an unexpected site. It’s online retailer DigitalRev on their blog to post the latest suggestion about the EOS 5D Mark III replacement. They also suggest the moniker EOS 5Dx, something we leaked last year. To sum up what they posted:

  • 4K will be on board
  • A new Auto-Focus system based on 1D X Mark II is suggested

And then:

The new 5D will also include Canon Log and Wide DR gamut, allowing the camera to capture a much wider dynamic range and opening up more possibilities in post. The camera will reportedly include both a CFast card slot and an SD card slot, presumably to accommodate 4K video.

The 5DX is already in testing with a select number of photographers, and should be ready for production once any software bugs have been ironed out.

Things are getting interesting, and all of our EOS 5D Mark IV rumors are hitting the web again. As I wrote many times, 4K on the EOS 5D Mark III replacement is no longer a matter of speculation but a matter of common sense. Would it be possible for Canon to announce such a camera without 4K on board? Don’t think so.

I rate the rumor about 4K on the EOS 5D Mark IV with CW4, the suggestion about the moniker EOS 5Dx as CW3.

All EOS 5D Mark IV rumors. Stay tuned…

[via DigitalRev via DIY Photography]

No Canon EOS 5D Mark IV coming, but Canon EOS 5D X and EOS 5D Xs? [CW3]

EOS 5D Mark IVQuestionMark2
A Canon EOS 5D Mark IV rumor was posted to the DPReview forum. Quoting:

Just got off the phone.. Looks like Canon is to name the 5D Mark IV 5DX. 28 megapixels, Digic 6+-basically a souped up version of 6 just to name a few.

X branded bodies will be for event and sports photography. S will be for studio, landscape, etc

We were first to post a rumor suggesting a model split for the EOS 5D Mark III replacement. Not just one EOS 5D Mark IV model, but two models with different specialisations. Our rumor suggested an EOS 5D Mark IV and Mark IVc naming scheme. The “c” pointing to a more video-oriented model.

The new rumor seems to refer to EOS 5D X and EOS 5D Xs (or “X S”) monikers. There are some things that make sense here. The number “four” is seen as a sign for bad luck in Japan (and Asian culture). Avoiding it in a naming scheme wouldn’t be that strange after all. However, Canon made the EOS 1D Mark IV before releasing the EOS 1D X as its replacement. Using the number “four” in the naming doesn’t seem to be a big issue for Canon. The EOS 1D X is also considered the replacement for the EOS 1Ds Mark III. Using an “s” in a camera model naming isn’t something Canon started to do with the EOS 5Ds and EOS 5Ds R.

Following the rumor, the EOS 5D X might be considered the “straight” update to the EOS 5D Mark III, the EOS 5D Mark Xs a more studio-oriented model. The former being the replacement for the all-rounder the EOS 5D Mark III is, the latter being the specialised model. Nothing new about the few mentioned specs. 28MP sensor, new DIGIC processor. Consistent with past rumors.

How to relate all this to the persistent rumors about a Canon 18MP full-frame sensor in the works? Here things get complicated. I can’t really figure out that the EOS 5D Xs (i.e. the studio-oriented model) will have 18MP. On the other hand, I doubt that 18MP will be featured on Canon’s all-rounder model, the supposed EOS 5D X, given that the EOS 5D Mark III has 22MP. If this 18MP sensor exists and is part of some plans Canon have, then most likely such a sensor is going to be featured on a video-oriented DSLR. A new Canon DSLR that could also have 4k, one of the rumored features of the EOS 5D Mark III successor.

It’s hard to rate a rumor posted in a forum. Given some consistency with earlier rumors, I give it a CW3. All EOS 5D Mark IV rumors are listed here.

Curious to know what you think about all this. Feel free to let me know in the comment section.

[via DPReview forum]
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