Canon EOS R5 Rumor: Might Have 2 Card Slots, SD and CF Express

canon eos r5 rumor

Here is a Canon EOS R5 rumor that will make happy a lot of people. Few things are heating up camera discussions as the number of card slots.

The upcoming Canon EOS R5, already announced development-wise (see at the end of the post), is rumored to come with two card slots:

  • CFExpress

Not really a surprise. Given how feature-packed the EOs R5 is, it’s rather to espect it will have two card slots. No discussion here.

All we know so far about the Canon EOS R5 is listed here.

Stay tuned for the next Canon EOS R5 rumor.

Source: Canon Rumors

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The Canon EOS R5 Meets The Internet, And Strikes Back – A Parody

Canon EOS R5 price

Here is something about the new Canon EOS R5 to ease your start into the new week, a bit of humor.

The short clip below by Michael The Maven sums up pretty well how Canon’s upcoming game changer, the Canon EOS R5, will shake up the industry.

We now know that the EOS R5 will be released before the Summer Olympics 2020.

Did you hear the latest? A Canon EOS R camera with APS-C sensor is rumored again and has already been dubbed EOS R7 by the Internet folks.

And what abpout the EOS R6, said to be the next Canon full frame mirrorless to get released? We expect the announcement in May 2020.

All Canon rumors are listed here.

Stay tuned, there is more to come soon.

Canon EOS R5 To Launch Before Olympics 2020, And Here Is A Hands-On Image

canon eos r5 rumor

According to Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (aka newswitch) Canon will release the Canon EOS R5 to the general public before the Summer Olympics 2020 begin.

It seems Canon is trying to push their mirrorless technology into the hands of professional photographers. The (machine translated) article says:

Canon has decided to launch the EOS R5, a full-size mirrorless camera under development compatible with 8K video shooting, as early as possible before the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. The support system for equipment rental and maintenance is planned to be the largest ever sport event. For professionals, single-lens reflex cameras are mainly used, but use of mirrorless, which is excellent in quietness and weight reduction, is also progressing. The Tokyo Olympics aims to exceed 70% in the use of news cameras.

The Canon EOS R5 development was announced a few weeks ago. And we are all waiting to see and learn more about what to us seems a game changer in the industry.

Stay tuned.

More Canon EOS R5 stuff is listed here.

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Canon EOS R5: Crippled, Cropped Video, Focus And FPS Limitations, Says Matt Granger

Canon EOS R5 price

After the Canon EOS R5 development announcement, we know that at least some of the rumored specifications are real.

Never the less, Matt Granger thinks Canon will eventually cripple the EOS R5, i.e. video is cropped, limitations on fps and focus, and whatnot. He explains his thoughts in the video below.

All just a hype? Or can we expect the EOS R5 will be the game changing full frame mirrorless camera its specifications suggest? Sound off in the comment section.

A few days ago we were tipped with a French language online shop where the EOS R5 is listed at €9,999. Likely a mistake.

You can get notified when the Canon EOS R5 will be available for preorder.

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Upcoming Canon EOS R5 Price Listed At €9,999 (mistake or real?)

Canon EOS R5 price

Could it be possible that the upcoming Canon EOS R5 price is set at €9,999?

Luxembourg based site lists the Canon EOS R5 at exactly this price, €9,999 (approx US$10,829, and for the body only). We think (i.e. we strongly hope) this is either a mistake or just a placeholder price.

What do you think, is this the real Canon EOS R5 price?

Thanks for the tip!

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