Canon Video Clip Dissects The Canon EOS 7D Mark II (update 2: we found it again)

Update: Thanks to reader Frenky who found the video on Canon Japan’s marketing channel

Edit: I don not know why but the video turned to private. It’s a pity. At least I made a screenshot (below)

This short clip by CanonUSA on YouTube showcases the new EOS 7D Mark II. The animations and dissections on how the 7D Mark II is build and assembled are cool.


World-wide pre-order links after the break.

Click here to open the rest of the article

More “Canon See Impossible” Drawbacks

Uh, I do not want to write about this. It’s friday and I need a rest. Canon’s “See Impossible” campaign gets defeated once  more (after all the sarcasm that raised).

First watch the short video above, then head over to PetaPixel to get the background, they got the news and no one will mediate you the idea and tell you the issue better. I am too tired today. If you want let me know in the comment section. For me it is a “no comment” thing :-/

Well, I give you a spoiler: It appears that Canon took inspiration for the video from a real director, who uses Sony gear.

Canon’s Next Large Sensor Powershot Camera May Be Announced At Photoplus 2014

Large Sensor Powershot

Yesterday I reported about a video posted on Canon Netherland’s site, and the “groete zoom” (=big zoom) camera that gets mentioned in the video.

Today I was told that Canon will announce this camera at Photoplus 2014. Given that this camera already leaked in an official Canon video the announcement can’t be that far away. The same source also said that the upcoming Powershot will feature a Sony sensor as the Powershot G7 X does.

Canon recently mentioned this large sensor & big zoom Powershot camera in an interview. I am not sure if it will be announced at Photoplus but the new Powershot is definitely coming soon.

Stay tuned…

Large Sensor Powershot

Readers Contest: Show Your Pictures To The World

Alyssa Black, Cathedral Notre Dame, Montreal (Canon EOS 70D),

Hey all! We start a new thing here on Canon Watch. You are invited to post your pictures on Canon Watch’s Facebook page. Then let the community like your pics. The most liked photos will be featured on Canon Watch every Sunday.

We start today, and on Sunday, October 19th I will post a selection of the most liked photos. I just ask you to give a short description of the gear you used, and if you want some more bits about where and how you made the photo. Needless to say that Canon gear has to be used (at least the camera, not necessarily the lens).

How it works:

1) Submit your picture with a short description on Canon Watch’s Facebook page
2) If you want like and comment the pictures from other readers on the Photo Stream
3) A selection of the most liked pictures will be posted every Sunday here on Canon Watch (starting October 19)

Show the world what you are able to do with a Canon camera!