Canon USA Lists The EOS 7D Mark III – Sign Or Mistake? Tell Us In Poll
Canon USA’s website lists the Canon EOS 7D Mark III. Is this a mistake or is it a sign an announcement might come soon?
As you can see in the image on top, the Canon EOS 7D Mark III is listed among other Canon cameras for having “clean HDMI out”. Indeed, you can reach the page of the screenshot above by searching for “clean HDMI out” and then switching to the “Knowledge Base” tab for results. It’s the first entry.
Does this mean the Canon EOS 7D Mark II replacement is ready to get announced, or is it just an unfortunate placeholder? We are not sure yet but lean more towards the mistake/placeholder opinion. In the past there have been some related rumors but it’s a long time we didn’t here anything reliable.
But Canon listing the 7D3 is a thing. Maybe it was planned and then dropped from Canon’s agenda? A camera like the 7D3 is likely to take long R&D and testing times and maybe, just maybe, the success of the Canon EOS R made Canon change their mind? Moreover, there have been rumors that Canon might release an EOS R body with APS-C sensor, and that such a camera could replace the EOS 7D Mark II. It’s all just speculation but it seems to fit together.
What do you think? Let us know through the poll.